Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Speaking 1
What is computing?
The curriculum for computing should involve 3 key aspects: Computer Science, the understanding of computers and how they work, information Technology, the productive and creative use of technology, and Digital Literacy. 
1.       Computer Science 
Computer Science focuses on 3 main aspects. Firstly the hardware of computers, which is how they work and how they are assembled. This includes technologies from the traditional. Desktop computers through to powerful handheld devices and also dedicated chips in everyday appliances. The programming of computers involves how to make devices do what you want them to do. This involves a wide range of activities: developing applications running on PCs, making apps for Android’s, using control and sensing technology devices, and also scientific data capture. Understanding system is the third focus. This involves understanding the way that computers and organizations work together and interact. Children first learn programming at the infant school using programmable toys like these Romos and Bee – Bots. They start to understand algorithms by writing down instructions that they have given to these robots, and then learn to follow instructions like this short program. By following this step by step, they learn the importance of precision and the idea of iteration. A six – years – old would do an abstraction if the teacher asked them to draw the school. They create a simplified plan with the important details: their classroom, the playground, the toilets, the school office and the gate to go home. This visualization is the abstraction. The classic abstraction is the representation of London by means of a tube map or even a pupil school timetable. Information Technology is the creative and productive use of computers. It is an important.
2.       Information Technology
Information Technology is the creative and productive use of computers. It is important element for developing pupils’ understanding of what computers can do, enabling their creativity and ensuring that they can use the technology in a wide range of settings. 
3.       Digital Literacy

 Digital Literacy should be understood to mean the basic skill or ability to use a computer confidently, safely and effectively. This include the ability to use office software such as word processors, email and presentation software, the ability to create and edit images, audio and video, and the ability to use a web browser and internet search engines. These are the skills that teacher of other subjects at secondary schools should be able to assume that their pupils have as an analog with being able to read and write. Digital literacy with ideas of copyright, safe working, data protection, misuse and abuse, e-safety and cyber-bullying are also discussed in schools. 

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