Wednesday, December 14, 2016

1.      Tell me about yourself?

Now I am looking to take my career to the next level and more out of contract work into a full time employee for a company where I can be part of team, but also allows me to focus my energy on my best strength, working directly with a long term career that let's me focus on professional growth
2.      What are your strength?

 My greatest strength is listening ability. I pay careful attention what I am being told about everything from specific information relating to current projects to future project, even my to what my colleagues did over the weekend. By being good listener, I am more effective at completing projects efficiency. My listening ability also help me effectively motivate others.
3.      What are your weaknesses? 

I have also found that I can easily waste time checking and rechecking. Now I am aware of  what   to look for in being such  stickler, so I am always making a conscious effort to trust myself and my quality focus more and not be so incredibly critical of my work. I know that there is a limit to proofreading.
4.      Why should we hire you?

I am really motivated worker and fast learner and although I am new to the world of retail in general. I am not new to customer service. I noticed in you job posting that a big part of this position is interacting with customers. I am excited by the prospect of bringing this  same level of commitment and enthusiasm to this new and exciting opportunity and I think this position is  a great for me.
5.      What did you like least about your last job?

The company was a good company to work for they have a great work environment and I felt challenged but overcome all challenges. After overcoming all targets, I was looking for more for growth. However there was not enough room for growth and that is what I like least about my job. I am very motivated individual and have always been told. If there is not room for growth then I need to go somewhere there is.
6.      Why are you leaving your present job?

I do enjoy working at my current job. The culture and the people make it a great place to work. But I am looking for more responsibility with new and fresh challenges. I have worked on several projects from start to finish during the past 2 years. Currently advancement opportunities are scare at my current job. I don't mind a slowdown in pace from time to time but it's important to me  to keep  my career continually moving in a forward direction that is consisted with my goals
7.      How would you describe your work style? 

I am able to adapt to any workplace. I try to maintain a fast pace during work shift to remain focused while completing my tasks. I strive to be efficient and strive to ensure all work is completed properly and without error. I work well on my own. But  I am more than happy to work with others, collaborations or team based projects. I take my position seriously and I am completely dedicated and driven to succeed

8.      What would be your ideal working environment? 
My ideal work environment is one that is centered around working as a team and that allows everyone’s talents to flourish. When I was researching your company, your desire to cultivate each of your employees’ skills was very impressive to me. I find that I work best in an environment that is empowering and positive, no matter what the work is that I’m doing.

9.      What salary are you seeking?

I really more information before we discuss salary. I'd like to postpone that discussion until later. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position and how you commission structure works.

10.  What are you looking for in terms of career development? 

My primary focus is on continuing to develop my leadership skills and I believe the best way to do that is to constantly challenge myself. I've always strived to take on greater responsibility with each of the companies I have worked for previously. I think my vision goes toward the big picture and I want to exploit that talent to the best of my ability.
11.  11.What's the most important thing you learned in school? 

My most valuable school experiences weren't academic. They were all about people-social skills, respects, self worth, empathy and realizing your own potential. On sports field I learned about winning and losing graciously. In the classroom I learned that doing your best counted far more than academic ability.

12.  Why did you choose your major?  

I chose radio communication engineer. Because this is the century of ICT. So I felt that it is an essential no matter what field. My parents advised me to study Radio communication. I believe always mother's right.
13.  Tell me about your proudest achievement?

I believe I have had a number of successes to date. It is difficult to say which I think has been my greatest accomplishment as they going to focus on my recent achievements as being the most pertinent is leadership of the company.
14.  What kind of personality do you work best with and why?

As someone who thoroughly enjoys working as a team I have become accustomed to working with all sorts of personalities I love meeting new people and sharpening   my skill as I learn to collaborate with and lead those around me. I believe that strengthening the unity of the office as a whole has positive effect on both the people employed there and or the overall success of the company.
15.  How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?

I’m always looking for ways in which I can improve upon my performance. I ‘m always open to training and development opportunities. Everyone always has room for improvement you can never be too good at anything. For example I find I am now required to give presentations from time to time and while I am generally happy with the way I handle these. So I want to improve my speech skill.
16.  What kind of goals would you have in mind if you got this job? 

I want to continue learning new techniques that will make me better technician  I really strive to be best that I can be which means that my goals include staying current which means I will attend seminars and workshops. I also want to use the know others reach their top potential great leader and manager who pushes the employees to be better and  therefore make the company better.
17.  What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?   

I make great use of reminders on my personal planner. I will probably enter anywhere from 3 to 5 or even as many as ten in single work day. It keeps my day on schedule and ensures I do not forget any tusks.
18.  Was there a person in your career who really made a difference? 

The person who made me the bequest difference in my career was my coworker. She and I started at the same time. We were both so green and unexperienced. She helped to push me to better myself and showed me importance of continued education even in the workplace.
19.  Who has impacted you most in you most in you career and how?

I would say my first manager has most impacted my career in terms of a mentor she was on amazing leader and my coworkers and I responded really well to the way she had the team. As I progressed in my own management career I incorporated many of her leadership tactics including the way she resolved conflicts. How she spoke to her colleges and her high level organizations.
20.  Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you handle it?

During the recent job one worker require failed 70 complete his assigned task by the necessary his assigned task by the necessary deadlines. I explained to him there was reason for this issue and he explained that he couldn’t keep up with the deadlines relevant software wasn’t strong. We arranged for training and additional support so that he could work more efficiency. 
21.  What attracted you to this company?

I have been watching this company for a long time. I read this article year this article year ago about how you are innovating the way people use appliances and that really caught my eye. I company attract me but way they treat their employees. I think innovation and creativity are an important part of success I would be so excited to be part of that innovation here. Not only the innovativeness of the company attract me, but also the way they treat their employees.  
22.  What was the last project you headed up, and what was its outcome?

 My last project was spring. Through our engineer’s project lesson we started project named. Automatic garage door and smoke detection. At first it is was hard for writing software program. But the result was good. We completed it successfully.
23.  What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

At my last job I had a strong reputation as the knowledgeable employee I had both memorized and people would almost use me as an encyclopedia. I also never had any trouble meeting time restrains. I was never late or missed deadline of course I think my boss would also bring up that I was great with the team.
24.  List five words describe your character?

The 5 words that 2 feel best describe me are resilient ambitious optimistic, determined and humble.
These personality traits really helped me get through school and appreciate the opportunities I have been given. I feel that that would help me succeed in this job as well.
25.  Why do you want this job? 

This organizations priorities for ethics teamwork and effectiveness match my own. What is most important to me is finding place where individuals want to work together as a true team. I see that reflected here. The match of what you need with what 2 additional benefit of having the same values and community interests lead me to want to be here more than anywhere else.

1.The functions of the hardware composing a computer can be divided broadly into the following five categories: InputStorageOperationControl and Output.
2.Input unit: This unit inputs the data and programs for computer processing. It is equivalent to the human eyes and ears.
3.Storage unit: This unit stores the input data and programs. It is equivalent to the memory section of the human brain.
4Since programs and data are stored in the ROM from the beginning, the stored information is not lost even if the computer is turned off.
5.The Ramdom Access Memory is semiconductor memory in which data writing and reading is possible.
1.Компьютерийг бүрдүүлдэг техник хангамжийн функц нь дараах 5 ангилалд хувааж болно:
-          Оролт,  Хадгалах,Үйл ажиллагаа, Удирдлага ,Гаралт 
2.Оролтын хэсэг: Энэ хэсэг нь компьютераар боловсруулахын тулд өгөгдөл болон програмыг оруулдаг. Энэ нь хүний нүд болон чихтэй адил юм.
3.Хадгалах хэсэг: Энэ хэсэг нь орж ирсэн өгөгдөл ба програмыг хадгалдаг. Энэ нь хүний тархины санах ойн хэсэгт адил юм.
4.Програмууд болон өгөгдөл эхнээсээ РОМ -д хадгаладдаг учир компьютер унтрах хүртэл хадгалагдсан мэдээлэл устдаггүй.
5.Шуурхай санах ой өгөгдлийг бичих, унших боломжтой хагас дамжуулагч санах ой юм.
Top Tech Trends 2016
Tech Trend
In my role distribution can it's important to love five years out to see what industry is headed in the long term. But much of my attention is focused on the near future identifying. The technology and trends that are ready to be put to use a tablet over the next 12 months. With that in mind here for the top IT trends that I believe a poised to gain real traction in 2016.
#4 Top IT Trend – Software-Defined Data Center
My number for trend is the software-defined data center. From the beginning data centers will be made up of silos of server’s storage and networking hard way but that model is redundant and expensive and it makes it difficult to allocate resources quickly. That's a problem for IT teams that are feeling pressure to improveresponsiveness and decrease maintenance costs in a software-defined data centerall the essential elements of a computing platform a pool together virtualized and managed to a common set of application programming interfaces. With all of the data centers resources pulled together. It's easier and faster to monitor and reallocate compute storage network in and even security resources according to the needs of the business. Production-ready software-defined data center offerings and now available from established vendors as well as from new cameras and I tea shops are looking for safe and proven ways to move to a software-defined environment. That delivers the stability and the agility that their businesses require. 
            #3 Top IT Trend – Mobile-First Approach
My number three top trend is what I call a mobile first approach. Until now most mobility initiatives will focus on providing mobile devices. With the same access and security. That we find on desktop and laptop PCs. The mobile versus approach turns out world view on its head. It's not about matching the PC experience and a small device anymore. It's about getting the most of the unique advantages. That mobile platforms have to offer. Such as the ability to easily capture pictures documents and also knowing the precise location of the device as mobile devices get more convenient security. With a broader adoption of biometrics. I expect more businesses will be thinking mobile-first in 2016. For both customers and employees.
            #2 Top IT Trend – Machine Learning
My second top It-tried 4 2016 is machine learning. I see machine learning is a logical evolution of the exponential growth of data and data analytics. That we've been seen over the last few years. Big data and data analytics today are mostly concerned. With mine in large quantities of data to provide insights. That leaders can use to make informed decisions with speed. However those results of focus on helping business leaders interpret past activity a machine learning on the other hand is about using the same data sets to predict future behavior. Today Google Facebook and Amazon or relying on machine learning to deliver content ads and products. That use your past activity to predict. What you'll be interested in next IBM's Watson initiative extends. Its significant machine learning capabilities to IBM customers a machine learning is also at the heart of Google's efforts to develop self-driving vehicles as the engineers at Google will tell you it's easier to drive a car when you can predict. What's around the corner rather than having to focus on the road behind you and running the business is no different. That's why I believe machine learning will be one of this year's top trends to gain traction as organizations like to predict the future as well as they can analyze the past.
 #1 Top It Trend - The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
            My top IT trends for 2016 is the internet of things specifically. The industrial Internet of Things one study from the mckinsey global institute estimates. That IoT will deliver up to 11 trillion dollars of global economic impact on an annual basis just 10 years. From now and a significant proportion of that was going to be made up the industrial IOT. For example one of a minute industrial equipment customers has begun in bed in connected sensors into. The field based equipment. This gives our customers the ability to let maintenance teams know when a component is about to break down but before it actually happens. This simple warning helps avoid costly downtime and emergency repairs. It also ensures that the service technicians. Have exactly the right parts they need when they arrive on site 2016. Will be the year the IOT hits critical mass. The opportunity is simply too large for that but the building blocks for the ecosystem and now in place making it easier faster and less expensive to prototype and roll out real world I OT solutions. That's why it’s my number-one trend for 2016. To find out how these and other top technology trends are being applied inside. The enterprise in the year to come. Stay tuned to this text and series and to my blog behind. The firewall and don't forget to give us a thumbs up or post a comment below. 
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How to Write a Review

Try out the product or service. In order to write a review, you need to try the product. It seems obvious, but many people still write reviews without much first-hand knowledge of the product. Try it out, take your time, and get to know the product or service adequately enough to be able to speak authoritatively about it.
Take notes. Gather details that you’ll need to write your review. For example, if you’re reviewing a restaurant, get the names and ingredients of certain dishes you’re trying. Take note of the décor. Jot down the name of your server.
Take photographs. In some cases, your review will be enhanced by photos. Document your experience by taking pictures so that your readers will know what you mean when you say, “There was a giant stain on the ceiling in my hotel room.”

Find out the parameters for the review. If you are planning to submit your review to a particular website, blog or magazine, make sure you find out any specifications for the review. For example, there might be a word limit or a specific format.
  • Check the deadline too, especially if the review is for something timely, like a movie, album or book. Your review should coincide with the release of these types of items
Figure out your angle. Every review has a particular perspective. You are, after all, making an argument in your review. Determine how you want to talk about the product or service. Will this be a positive or negative review? What will you focus on?
  • This works especially well for a book or movie review, where you might pick out a particular theme and write your review around that theme.
Find out the parameters for the review. If you are planning to submit your review to a particular website, blog or magazine, make sure you find out any specifications for the review. For example, there might be a word limit or a specific format.
    • Check the deadline too, especially if the review is for something timely, like a movie, album or book. Your review should coincide with the release of these types of items.
    Figure out your angle. Every review has a particular perspective. You are, after all, making an argument in your review. Determine how you want to talk about the product or service. Will this be a positive or negative review? What will you focus on?
    • This works especially well for a book or movie review, where you might pick out a particular theme and write your review around that theme.
    Briefly describe the product or service. In a couple of sentences or less, describe the product that you’re reviewing. You will reveal other details throughout your review, but the initial description will give your reader a sense of what you’re talking about.
    • If it’s a movie or book, don’t spend your entire review summarizing the plot. There’s no need to give the entire story. Just a brief overview in 1-2 sentences will suffice.
    How to write a report

    What is a report?
    A report is a systematic, well organised document which defines and analyses a subject or problem, and which may include:

    • the record of a sequence of events
    •  interpretation of the significance of these events or facts
    • evaluation of the facts or results of research presented
    •  discussion of the outcomes of a decision or course of action
    • conclusions
    •  recommendations

    Reports must always be:

    • accurate
    •  concise
    • clear
    • well structured

    Various courses require you to write reports (as opposed to essays), notably business and scientific or technical subjects. There are, however, different interpretations of what a report should look like, so it is important that you check with your course tutors and course documentation as to the report format and content expected. In addition, there is at times some blurring between what “essays”, “reports” and “assignments” are, so again check within your department. Much of the advice given in Guide 1.01, How to write an essay, also applies to reports.
    Initial preparation
    Always analyse your brief carefully, making sure that you fully understand the topic, question or case, that you know what the purpose of the report is, and who it is being written for. The clearer these things are in your mind, the easier the report will be to write and the more effective it will be.
    When you are researching, planning and eventually writing, continually ask yourself what the main purpose of the report is, what your objective is in writing it: is it to inform; to argue; to persuade; to evaluate? What does your reader want to see in the report and what will they do with it?

    Planning and research

    You first need to decide your basic framework. With your main topic or question as a central focus, jot down your initial thoughts and start to group these together. You may find the Mind Mapping technique useful: see Guide 2.11. Start to divide key ideas from subsidiary information, and continually ask yourself if everything is relevant; if it isn’t, then delete it.
    From your prior knowledge (from reading and lectures), you should be able to put together a fairly basic structure.
    You will now be able to plan your research. Ask yourself what you need to find out, maybe in the form of questions that need to be answered, then approach your reading from this starting point. If you have specific information to look for, it will make your reading easier and less time consuming. 
    Try not to gather too much information. Again, keeping your topic or question in mind, reject anything which is not 100% relevant. When you’re making notes, always try to summarise the main points as concisely as possible. Remember to make a comprehensive record of any sources consulted in order to be able to correctly reference these.
    Make a record of the research methods you used.

    Report structure

    Unlike essays, reports are written in sections with headings and sub-headings, which are usually numbered. Below are the possible components of a report, in the order in which they would appear. Check within your department which of these you should include.
    Title page (always included)
    This should normally include the title, your name and the name of the tutor to whom it is being submitted, date of submission, your course/department, and if applicable, the name of the person and/or organisation who has commissioned the report.
    Avoid “fancy” fonts and effects and don’t include any clipart.

    Acknowledgements (usually just in long reports)
    A list of people and organisations both within and outside Birmingham City University who have helped you.

    Contents page (always included in reports of 4+ pages)
    A clear, well-formatted list of all the sections and sub-sections of the report. Don’t forget to put the page numbers! If applicable, there should be a separate list of tables, figures, illustrations and/or appendices after the main index.
    Make sure that the headings in this list correspond exactly with those in your main body. It is best to do your list of contents right at the end.

    Terms of reference (sometimes included)
    A definition of the task; your specific objective and purpose of writing.
    Even if you don't include this as a heading, it is a vital process to go through in your planning.

    • What exactly is your report going to be about?
    • If it is group work, who exactly is responsible for what?
    •  How long have you got? What is your task timescale?
    • Why are you writing the report? What exactly are the assessment criteria?
    • Who are you writing the report for? Are you actually playing a role? What does your reader want to see?

    Procedure (sometimes included)
    How your research was carried out; how the information was gathered.

    Materials and methods (included if applicable)
    Similar to procedure, but more appropriate to scientific or engineering report writing. The following advice comes from Robert Barrass' book Scientists Must Write(Chapman & Hall,1978:135-136):

    1 List the equipment used and draw anything that requires description (unless this is very simple).

    2 State the conditions of the experiment and the procedure, with any precautions necessary to ensure accuracy and safety. However, when several experiments are reported, some details may fit better in the appropriate parts of the Results section.

    3 Write the stages in any new procedure in the right order and describe in detail any new technique, or modifications of an established technique.

    4 If necessary, refer to preliminary experiments and to any consequent changes in technique. Describe your controls adequately.

    5 Include information on the purity and structure of the materials used, and on the source of the material and the method of preparation.

    Summary (usually included in longer reports; may be called Executive Summary, Abstract or Synopsis)
    This is a very brief outline of the report to give the potential reader a general idea of what it’s about. A statement of:

    • overall aims and specific objectives (unless included in terms of reference) 
    • method/procedure used (unless included in separate section)
    •  key findings
    •  main conclusions and recommendations

    Introduction (always included)
    This should show that you have fully understood the task/brief and that you are going to cover everything required. Indicate the basic structure of the report.
    You should include just a little background/context and indicate the reasons for writing the report. You may include your terms of reference and procedure/research methods if not covered elsewhere.
    Your introduction will often give an indication of the conclusion to the report.

    Main body/findings (always included)
    This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary according to the nature of the material being presented, with headings and sub-headings used to clearly indicate the different sections (unlike an essay). A "situation>problem>solution>evaluation" approach may be appropriate.
    It is not sufficient to simply describe a situation. Your tutor will be looking for analysis and for a critical approach, when appropriate.
    Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although sometimes it may be better to include these as an appendix (particularly if they are long or complicated).
    Do not include opinions, conclusions or recommendations in this section.

    Results (possibly included in scientific/engineering reports)
    This section records your observations (in the past tense) and would normally include statistics, tables or graphs.

    Conclusion (always included)
    Your conclusion should draw out the implications of your findings, with deductions based on the facts described in your main body. Don’t include any new material here.

    Recommendations (sometimes included)
    These should follow on logically from your conclusion and be specific, measurable and achievable. They should propose how the situation/problem could be improved by suggesting action to be taken. A “statement of cost” should be included if you are recommending changes that have financial implications.
    Recommendations can be numbered if you wish.

    Appendices (sometimes included)
    An appendix (plural=appendices) is detailed documentation of points you outline in your findings, for example, technical data, questionnaires, letters sent, tables, sketches, charts, leaflets etc. It is supplementary information which you consider to be too long or complicated or not quite relevant enough to include in your main body, but which still should be of interest to your reader.
    Each appendix should be referred to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the main body.

    References (always included)
    This is a list giving the full details of all the sources to which you have made reference within your text. By far the most common method in use at Birmingham City University is the Harvard method.

    Bibliography (sometimes included)
    This is either a separate list of sources which you have used during your research, but have not actually made reference to in your writing, or this list together with your list of references.

    Check in your department what you are expected to use.

    Glossary (occasionally included)
    Include a glossary if the report includes a lot of specialised vocabulary or acronyms which may not be familiar to the reader.

     Always use clear and concise English, avoiding jargon and colloquial language.
     Write in fairly short sentences.
     Make sure you develop each paragraph sufficiently (usually a minimum of 5/6 sentences).
     Most of your report should be impersonal, although it may be appropriate in your conclusion or recommendations to include more personal language.
     Be extra careful with verb tenses.

    Check everything carefully

    Careful checking of your report before you print off the final version can make a big difference.


    • General layout
    •  Text organisation
    • Coherence
    • Grammar, spelling and punctuation
    • Referencing
    • Style

    And finally overall, does the report fulfil its purpose? Does it do what you’re being asked to do and what you say you’re going to do in your introduction? Are you pleased with it? If you can’t confidently answer “yes” to these questions, then you may need to do some major editing and rewriting.